Berry Marshmallows

strawberry marshmallows made with Stahlbush Island Farms frozen berries
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strawberry marshmallows made with Stahlbush Island Farms frozen berries

Berry Marshmallows

Yield: 1/4 Sheet Pan

Mixed Berry Filling
  • 450g granulated sugar
  • 285g corn syrup
  • 90g berry puree (see below)
  • 9 each gelatin sheets or 18-22g powdered gelatin. The general rule of thumb that 1 gold leaf sheet of gelatin is equal to about 2g of powdered gelatin
  • Sifted powdered sugar and corn starch to toss cut marshmallows in

Berry Puree
  • 1 cup of frozen berries, chopped (try strawberries)
  • 1 Tbsp granulated sugar
  • Place frozen strawberries in a heavy bottom pot Toss in sugar to coat the berries.
  • Heat on low heat just to defrost the berries. Smash them slightly to release some of the juices.
  • Transfer to a blender and puree until smooth. Strain with a fine mesh strainer and weigh out the weight that you need for marshmallows.
  • If you have extra puree, you can add some sugar and place it back on the stove to make a syrup. Or you can freeze the puree for later use.
Berry Puree
  • Bloom gelatin sheets (or powder) in ice water – add one at a time so they do not stick together. Once soft, remove from the water and squeeze out excess liquid. Place bloomed gelatin with fruit puree in a stand mixer with the whip attachment.
  • Cook sugar and corn syrup together to 245F. Make sure to mix the two together and brush down the sides of a heavy bottom pot with water to avoid sugar crystallization. Do not stir once sugar syrup is boiling.
  • Once 245F is reached, SLOWLY pour over bloomed gelatin and turn mixer on low, gradually moving to high. Whip on high until thick but still slightly warm.
  • Transfer to a lined and well-oiled ¼ sheet pan and spread around. Lightly spray the top and cover with a piece of parchment and roll flat with a rolling pin. Let set up overnight.
  • Cut with an oiled knife into inch squares and toss in a sifted 50/50 mixture of sifted cornstarch and powdered sugar. Store in an air-tight container for up to 3 weeks.
close up of strawberry marshmallows made with Stahlbush Island Farms frozen strawberries

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